Thursday, May 13, 2010

Much Ado About Nothing

“Judicial appointments overdue in Texas” is an opinionated editorial written by someone staffed by the statesmen regarding the delay in the appointing of future political leaders in Texas. This article is aimed at all of the Republicans whom are anti-Obama as well as the Obama supporters letting them know what Texas’ Republican senators are doing. With a quote from U. S. Rep. Gene Green and many facts relating to the actions and inactions of our leaders in Government; the writer exposes how some officials may be abusing their powers. As I read the article; I came to the conclusion that the writer was speaking from a democratic standpoint as he praises former President Barack Obama and his “admirable job” in selecting nominees for major bodies of governments where seats are currently vacant and in need of successors. The author believes that the current Republican senators (John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison) are misusing their power as they “have been gumming up the works” opposing Obama’s nominee for a Texas federal bench or U. S. attorney’s slot. His nominee, frustrated by the confirmation process, opted out. The writer explains how badly Texas needs these seats filled and good people for the job appointed during this time in our state “where the federal judiciary is already overburdened by drug and immigration cases.” I completely agree with this author, however my opinion might be a bit biased considering how my views in government are from a Democratic perspective. This editorial is great reading to help being informed as well as for people to realize that if they need to point fingers and blame people, it’s the Republican senators from Texas.
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